
Find reports, scientific articles and analyses related to sport and society.

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PtG Publication September 2024
Evaluation of Play the Game 2024
PtG Publication June 2024
European sport: one or several sporting realities?
PtG Publication January 2024
When the silence of sport was broken - Sports politics in the times of Play the Game
PtG Publication December 2023
Research on the Sports Legacy of Brazilian Stadiums from the 2014 FIFA World Cup
PtG Publication September 2023
Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport - Final report
PtG Publication June 2023
Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport - A guide to opening new ways in sports governance
PtG Publication June 2023
ClearingSport - Towards an agency countering crime and protecting integrity in world sport
PtG Publication February 2023
Mapping the sport and climate space
PtG Publication January 2023
Evaluation of Play the Game 2022 - is there a cure for sport?
Idan Publication June 2022
Elite sports in Finland
PtG Publication January 2022
A vote with a weight
PtG Publication November 2021
Tipping the scales of justice - the sport and its "supreme court"
PtG Publication November 2021
National Sports Governance Observer 2: Benchmarking governance in national sports organisations
PtG Publication September 2021
Strengthening athlete power in sport - A multidisciplinary review and framework
PtG Publication June 2021
National Anti-Doping Governance Observer - final report
PtG Publication May 2021
National Anti-Doping Governance Observer - indicators and instructions
PtG Publication April 2021
Schwazer vs. sport: A race walker’s long and winding route towards doping rehabilitation
Others Publication June 2020
Playing against the clock
PtG Publication February 2020
Evaluation of Play the Game 2019 – Athlete power on the rise
PtG Publication October 2019
Sports Governance Observer 2019. An assessment of good governance in six international sports federations.
PtG Publication December 2018
National Sports Governance Observer - leaflet
PtG Publication December 2018
National Sports Governance Observer. Country report: Cyprus
PtG Publication December 2018
National Sports Governance Observer. Country report: Flanders, Belgium
PtG Publication November 2018
Sports Governance Observer 2018. An assessment of good governance in five international sports federations.