Daily staff
Play the Game is a part of the Danish Institute for Sports Studies. Find contact information for Play the Game staff

Managing director
Søren Ørgaard

Head of Play the Game
Stanis Elsborg
International sports politics, governance, geopolitics, sports history

Founder, senior advisor
Jens Sejer Andersen
International sports politics, governance, anti-doping, match-fixing, sports integrity issues, media and journalism

Senior researcher
Layne Vandenberg
International political economy, governance, sports politics, history

Journalist and researcher
Karim Zidan

Conference manager
Maria Suurballe
Conference planning, administration

Senior communications officer
Cecilie Hedegaard Bak
Graphics, SoMe

Communications manager
Katja Høiriis
Website, publications, graphics, Social Media

Editor, PhD
Kirsten Sparre
commissioning and editing articles, news articles

Junior analyst