Programme committee
The board of Play the Game and the Danish Institute for Sports Studies appoints a programme committee for each conference.
The committee has two main tasks:
- to advise on themes and speakers for the conference
- to evaluate the conference
The members of the 2025 programme committee are (in alphabetical order, first name):
- Andrea Florence, director, Sport & Rights Alliance, Brazil
- Andreas Selliaas, journalist,, Norway
- Antti Aine, professor of sports law, University of Helsinki and University of Turku, Finland
- Brian Wesaala, founder & CEO, The Football Foundation for Africa, Kenya
- Eze Alloysius, director, PLAYYA Nigeria, Nigeria
- Hanne Marie Brevik, head of sport reporting, NRK Sport investigative group, Norway
- Kalika Mehta, sports journalist, Deutsche Welle, UK
- Kati Lehtonen, principal researcher, Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Laura Robinson, freelance journalist, Canada
- Marko Kananen, research manager, Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports, Finland
- Mogens Kirkeby, president, International Sport and Culture Association, Denmark
- Nicholas McGeehan, co-director of FairSquare, UK
- Niina Toroi, manager of international affairs, Finnish Olympic Committee, Finland
- Panu Autio, executive director, Football Players' Association of Finland, Finland
- Paulina Tomczyk, general secretary, European Athletes and Players Association, Poland
- Philippe Auclair, investigative reporter, Josimar, France/UK
- Rikke Rønholt Albertsen, board member, National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark, Denmark
- Sabrina Furtado, researcher, Instituto Inteligência Esportiva & Loughborough University, Brazil
- Shireen Ahmed, journalist/academic, CBC Sports, Canada/Pakistan
- Sigmund Loland, professor, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norway
- Spencer Harris, associate professor, Colorado University Colorado Springs, USA
- Sven Daniel Wolfe, assistant professor, ETH Zurich, USA
- Tine Vertommen, researcher and director at Arch Safeguarding, Belgium