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PtG Article 19.05.2010
Europe is draining Africa of football talent
PtG Article 01.12.2008
Another Canadian hockey scandal
PtG Article 05.11.2008
Girl Unprotected - Hockey coach on trial for sexual abuse of players
PtG Article 29.08.2005
Gods and Monsters - More Disturbing Stories about Hockey Violence against Women
PtG Article 12.11.2002
The FrontRunners: A Story of Ten Indigenous Runners in Canada
PtG Article 10.11.2002
From Tradition to the Olympics: Running Cultures in Mexico and Kenya
PtG Article 09.11.2002
Crossing the Line: Violence and Sexual Assualt in Canada's National Sport
PtG Article 12.11.2000
Race and Sport: The Social Costs of Black Dominance
PtG Article 18.06.1997
Sexual Stereotypes in Sport - Experiences of Female Soccer Players