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PtG Article 04.07.2024
Open call for journalistic articles and investigations on sports integrity and governance
PtG Article 01.07.2024
Building a home for the homeless questions in sport
PtG Article 23.04.2024
Doing journalism in FIFA land
PtG Article 06.02.2024
Investigative sports journalism is struggling on many fronts at the same time
PtG Article 05.02.2024
Session on Qatar 2022 raised tense debate about bias and bigotry in media reporting
PtG Article 18.01.2024
Meet the speakers: “I can't see sports journalism having a healthy future”
PtG Article 04.07.2022
Call for nuances in media reporting of the World Cup in Qatar
PtG Article 29.06.2022
Investigative journalism in the post-Jennings era
PtG Article 24.03.2022
'Sport & Politics’ publishes a special magazine about Andrew Jennings
PtG Article 10.01.2022
Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), the incomparable
PtG Article 09.08.2020
Australian football executives sue FIFA whistleblower
PtG Article 15.04.2019
Journalists investigating sports corruption exposed to many kinds of risks
PtG Article 29.11.2017
The Stepanovs and Hajo Seppelt receive the Play the Game Award
PtG Article 29.11.2017
Dangers of sports journalism
PtG Article 06.10.2011
Jens Weinreich and Andrew Jennings win 2011 Play the Game Award
PtG Article 03.10.2011
New sports press survey: Newspapers focus narrowly on sports results
PtG Article 12.06.2009
Declan Hill wins Play the Game 2009 award
PtG Article 05.01.2008
The Dangers of Sports Journalism
PtG Article 08.09.2006
FIFA does not feel obliged to work with difficult journalists
PtG Article 07.11.2005
Fifa asked to explain its actions on Zaw Thet Htwe
PtG Article 07.11.2005
Safety of sports journalists should be taken more seriously
PtG Article 10.11.2002
Media Power and Responsibility in Sport and Globalisation