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PtG Article 24.06.2010
Prosecutor's office links FIFA officials to bribery scandal
PtG Article 21.06.2010
Bavaria beer ambush
PtG Article 09.07.2008
Only minor convictions in corruption case against ISL executives
PtG Article 08.04.2008
ISL embezzlement case closes – verdict expected 2 July 2008
PtG Article 13.03.2008
Swiss judge reveals sport’s largest corruption scandal ever in trial against FIFA partners
PtG Article 27.06.2007
FIFA reorganises before ISL court case opens in March next year
PtG Article 29.09.2006
Swiss magistrate accuses FIFA official of taking bribes
PtG Article 08.09.2006
FIFA does not feel obliged to work with difficult journalists
PtG Article 23.06.2006
Jennings claims FIFA paid back bribes money to ISL
PtG Article 02.06.2006
What FIFA lost on ISL
PtG Article 02.06.2006
Timeline FIFA ISL
PtG Article 02.06.2006
The Globo money that never showed up
PtG Article 02.06.2006
The fall of ISL
PtG Article 02.06.2006
Mysterious repayment of bribes
PtG Article 02.06.2006
FIFA's transparency offensive
PtG Article 30.11.2005
In the wake of the ISL collapse
PtG Article 07.11.2005
Fifa asked to explain its actions on Zaw Thet Htwe
PtG Article 11.11.2002
The big bubble - the crackdown of ISL/ISMM, a marketing giant