PtG Article 30.08.2013

Choose your favourite challenge to sport and pick your Play the Game days

The preliminary programme of Play the Game 2013 is at hand now. Early bird-deadline is postponed to give you time to consider your favourite Play the Game themes.

More than 125 expert speakers from all over the world have started clearing their thoughts and throats in preparation of their contribution to Play the Game 2013 which this year takes place on its home ground in Aarhus from Monday 28 to Friday 31 October.

The preliminary programme is out now and can be found here.

In order to give you time to study it we have decided to postpone the early bird registration discount until Friday 6 September.

If you register before that date, you will pay only 500 Euros for four days loaded with intense, informative and agenda-setting debates between world leaders in media, academia and sports leadership. All meals, an excursion and a conference party are included, too.

The full four days will give you outstanding opportunities to expand your international network and see the challenges facing modern sport in context. But even if you can only spare one or two days, you can get a rich dividend of your time investment.

The programme is organised so most main themes are packed into two consecutive conference days as shown below.

  • Match-fixing (featuring Europol, Interpol, FIFPro, ICSS, Declan Hill etc): Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 October – with a bonus session Wednesday 30 October
  • Anti-Doping (Richard W. Pound, USADA, WADA, athletes’ union etc): Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 October
  • Reform of FIFA and other federations (Mark Pieth, Roger Pielke, FIFA, investigative journalists, Transparency International, EU etc):  Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 October – with a bonus session Tuesday 29 October.
  • Mega-events (Brazilian and Russian experts, debates on white elephants, lost legacies and much more): Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 October
  • Sports participation, sports culture and innovative architecture: Mainly Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October, but also sessions Thursday 31 October.

Over the coming weeks, more speakers will be added. We have more abstracts in the pipeline, and we have not yet placed most of our fine Programme Committee members on the programme.

Please note that there will inevitably be changes in the programme before the conference opens.

You can register for the full conference via and join us at the beautifully located conference venue Helnan Marselis Hotel by the Kattegat seashore.

After 6th September the full conference package rises to 700 Euros.

If you intend to register for two days, please note the special instructions at the registration site, so your price will be calculated correctly.

Register for the conference here