PtG Article 13.02.2017

Cities across the globe back Paris as host of 2024 Summer Olympics

An agreement signed by mayors from 50 major cities around the world supports Paris’ bid for the 2024 Olympic Games.

On February 9, mayors from over 50 cities expressed their support for Paris as 2024 Summer Olympic host city. "Like many who love Paris and sport, we support and wish the Paris 2024 bid every success," the cities say in an unusual joint statement.

Among the supporters are mayors from former Olympic host cities including: Sydney, Montreal, Athens, Barcelona, Mexico City, and Munich. In a statement, Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal, says that Paris “will breathe new life into Olympic values,” according to CBC News.

Tony Estanguet, Co-Chairman of Paris 2024, welcomed the support:

“This is an incredible and unique show of international support for Paris and our bid,” Estanguet said, as reported by Inside the Games. It also quoted Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, saying:

"It is a very strong sign of friendship, demonstrating that the bid of Paris 2024 is shared by many citizens, in all countries.”

Paris is currently competing with Los Angeles and Budapest to become host city of the 2024 Olympic Games. The international Olympic Committee will elect a winner on September 13 in Lima, Peru.