PtG Article 22.03.2022

Conference grants available for Play the Game 2022

Thanks to support from the Danish Union of Journalists, the Norwegian Union of Journalists and Danish sports organisations, Play the Game offers a limited number of conference grants for media professionals, academic researchers, and others from less privileged countries.

Due to generous contributions from the Danish Union of Journalists, the Norwegian Union of Journalists and Danish sports organisations, Play the Game is able to offer a number of conference grants to participants primarily from developing countries who as journalists, academics or in other ways play an active role in the sports debate in their home countries and can prove a long-term interest in the conference themes.

The conference grant consists of the full or partial funding of

  • the full conference package including lunch and dinner, social events, conference materials etc.
  • accommodation in two-bedded room at hotels or hostels within walking distance from the conference venue

Travel costs should be organised and paid for by applicants themselves, although in exceptional cases, travel costs can be covered fully or partially.

Play the Game 2022 takes place in Odense, Denmark, from 27-30 June 2022 under the theme: Is there a cure for sport?

The conference offers four days of fact-based debates about the most vital issues on world sport and the conference themes include:

  • Recovering from COVID: Finding a cure for sport
  • Human rights in sport: Duty or dilemma?
  • #sporttoo: Is abuse a matter of individual misconduct or a system failure?
  • Activism from athletes and fans: New occupants in the powerhouse of sport
  • Who can best provide integrity? Sport and governments in a tug-of-war
  • CAS: Who controls the court of sport?
  • Winds of change: The role of sport in climate change
  • Advancing technology: Towards a new normal

Criteria for assessment

The deadline for applications is Monday 18 April 15:00 CET. The secretariat at Play the Game will then consider grant applications by taking into consideration one or more of the following criteria:

  • That the applicant plays an active role in the sports debate in his or her home country and can prove a long-term interest in the conference themes
  • That the applicant can add value to Play the Game’s agenda by reporting on conference issues to national media, by presenting papers during the conference, by taking part in panel discussions, by contributing to Play the Game’s own news production or in other ways
  • That the applicant is able to cover the total travel costs
  • That the total selection of grant holders represents a mix of earlier participants and newcomers
  • That a fair distribution of grants is achieved with respect to gender, age, geographical origin, function in the public sports debate etc.

Find more information about Play the Game 2022

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