PtG Article 16.12.2016

Cyclists' union fails to fulfill transparency goals

A recent document by The Outer Line provides an independent analysis and review of road cycling’s only recognised athlete representation organisation.

The Cycliste Professionnels Associés (CPA) was formed in 1999 to act as an umbrella organisation with the objective of coordinating the national pro-cyclist groups more efficiently. However, the CPA effort to realise its objective has been constrained by its small size and ongoing lack of financial resources.

In a four-part analysis and review of the association, The Outer Line provides an overview of the organisation’s history, objectives, expectations and how it is performing today.

Recommendations on a future course of action for the CPA are, furthermore, presented in order to provide stronger athlete representation as well as a stronger and better-organised sport.

Key results in the document reveal that despite compliance with most of its key objectives and by-laws, the CPA fails in financial management and transparency – some of its most critical areas of operation, according to the report.

The CPA’s performance and activities are reviewed using the guidelines established in Play the Game’s Sports Governance Observer 2015.

Evidence suggests that it is crucial for the CPA to improve upon its key transparency and financial management-related objectives. Additionally, when comparing the CPA with larger sporting unions, it is evident that the organisation’s limited financial resources puts a strain on the provision of services and support to its members, say Joe Harris and Steve Maxwell, the founders of The Outer Line, in the recent document. As a result, the CPA faces an uphill battle to attract members and establish itself as an influential stakeholder in professional road cycling.

The Outer Line presents eight recommendations for the CPA going forward – some of these are:

  • The CPA needs to develop a more accurate idea of where it stands with the professional riders before it can develop and effective long-term strategy.
  • It is critical that the CPA investigates new sources of funding, so it can sustain a larger effort.
  • The CPA should engage in networking activities to build relationships with other stakeholders in the sport.
  • An experience business management and executive must be put in place.
  • The CPA must improve the way they represent the professional riders.

More information

  • Find an executive summary of the paper here