PtG Article 05.09.2011

Leading figures in sport give their view on how to fight corruption in sport

In the run up to Play the Game 2011 taking place in Cologne early October, launches a series of comments on corruption and good governance in sport with exclusive contributions from high profile sport leaders and other people with insight or interest in sport governance.

In the first comment article Sylvia Schenk, Senior Advisor on sport in Transparency International, opens the debate arguing that corruption, the lack of transparency and other governance problems have become such an urgent challenge to FIFA and other parts of sport that we cannot wait years for the proposed new World Anti-Corruption Agency to be set up and staffed. 

Instead, FIFA as a globally leading sport organisation could be a role model for other federations if it shows real commitment to clean up its act, she writes. Transparency International has already been in contact with FIFA and recently came up with a list of concrete reform steps aimed at getting FIFA on the right track after the organisation’s tumultuous year. 

The comment series is leading up to the last day of Play the Game’s conference, running from 3-6 October in Cologne, that has been dedicated to discussions on how all stakeholders can bring change to the heart of sport by highlighting the need for concrete initiatives in the fight for more democracy and transparency around the pitch.  In order to nourish the debates at the conference, Play the Game has asked a number of sports personalities to give their personal view on how to combat corruption in sport. 

Look forward to the next comment in the series which will be from IOC Vice-President Thomas Bach who will share his opinion on how sport can maintain its integrity by fighting corruption in sport.

Read the first comment article in the series written by Sylvia Schenk, Transparency International:  Putting reform of FIFA in safe hands – a blueprint for anti-corruption in sport

Read more about the comment series at the Play the Game 2011 conference website