PtG Article 20.07.2010

LeMond happy to be subpoenaed

Greg LeMond is again speaking out against doping and Lance Armstrong, much like he did at the Play the Game Conference in 2009.

Former Tour de France winner Greg LeMond has been subpoenaed to testify in the Lance Armstrong doping investigation. LeMond is due in federal court in Los Angeles on July 30 according to the Denver Post.

Despite Lance Armstrong never testing positive for doping or performance-enhancing drugs, LeMond has been a longtime critic of the 7 time Tour de France winner. According to the Denver Post the feud between the two riders began in 2001 when LeMond publicly criticized Armstrong’s relation ship with a high altitude doctor who was a known advocate of EPO (a blood doping drug).

Few would be happier

LeMond who blasted Floyd Landis when he wouldn’t come clean about his use, now has reason to be happy with the former teammate of Lance Armstrong. Once Landis had given up his attempt to fight his positive doping test he came clean and admitted he had doped throughout most of his career according to the Los Angeles Times. Landis then said that Armstrong was in the middle of the doping culture on the U.S. Postal team with him in 2001, accusations that spurred the federal investigation.

LeMond has admitted that few could be happier to be called upon in the case according to the Denver Post. The former champion also said that he thinks that through the investigation there will be overwhelming evidence that implicates Lance Armstrong.

Ongoing feud

While the feud between Armstrong and LeMond started in 2001, LeMond spoke about Armstrong more recently at the Play the Game Conference in 2009. At the conference he talked about performance enhancing drugs as the disease that is killing cycling. He was also directly asked if he thought Lance Armstrong would ever admit to using performance-enhancing drugs and said, “No way. That guy has no conscience”.

To view Greg LeMond's entire speech at the Play the Game Conference 2009, click here.

Also read "The worst things happen in cycling"