PtG Article 17.06.2010

Massive Indian cricket corruption scandal still unfolding

On April 27, 2010 The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) suspended Indian Premier League (IPL) chief Lalit Modi over corruption allegations.

It was reported that the allegations related to the initial bids for the Rajasthan and Punjab team franchises; the IPL's broadcasting deal; alleged bid rigging for two new franchises that will start next year; the IPL's internet rights and what was described as the behavioural pattern of Mr. Modi.

The BCCI had asked Mr. Modi for a response to the allegation within 15 days. Once the BCCI received a response they promised that they would determine if the suspensions should be dropped or, if necessary, what other course of action should take place. In the meantime Modi was served the third show cause notice by the BCCI, which 
raised questions over the awarding of the 150-second commercial slot in between balls during IPL 3. Modi has already replied to two earlier notices served to him by the board accusing him of financial irregularities, manipulating the bidding for new franchises and trying to destroy the structure of world and Indian cricket.


The following are the events that lead up to the suspension of Lalit Modi, as well as developments following the suspension.

April 12:

It all started with a “tweet”. Lalit Modi utilized the social networking website, Twitter, to disclose the details of stakeholders in the new Kochi IPL team. Controversy was sparked because he questioned why Rendezvous Sports World, (the consortium that bid for the Kochi franchise) had been gifted 25% sweat equity and listed the names of the people who were given shares.

The controversy intensified when Modi tweeted “I was told by him not to get into who owns Rendezvous, especially Sunanda Pushkar. Why?”. The man who allegedly told him to back off was one, Shashi Tharoor, Minister of State for External Affairs.

Sunanda Pushkar (named in Modi’s tweet detailing that he was told to back off) had been given 18% free equity from Rendezvous. Modi alleged that Tharoor had abused his position as junior foreign minister to secure the stake for Sunanda.

April 13:

The war of words between Modi and Tharoor continued on Twitter. Tharoor tweeted “I’ve had enough” with a link to an official statement.

In his statement Tharoor insisted that he had no personal stake in the bid for the Kochi team. Instead he described himself as being brought in as a mentor for the bid and that he didn’t receive, or plan to receive any monetary compensation. The junior foreign minister went on to admit that Rendezvous included many people he had never met and Sunanda Pushkar, who he does know very well. Rumors swirled that Sunanda was also Tharoor’s girlfriend or fiancée.

April 15:

Shashi Tharoor sits down for an interview with NDTV where he states that he has no reason to resign and that upon the return of the Prime Minister they will discuss the situation.

Tharoor alleges that Lalit Modi has brought about these accusations because Modi himself is guilty of having personal motives. He says that Modi never wanted the Kochi team to go to the Rendezvous associated consortium and that this is his attempt to disrupt the fair and transparent bid win.

April 18

: After meeting with the Prime Minister, Tharoor tenders his resignation from the Minister of State for External Affairs. By the evening the President of India has accepted his resignation immediately.

Tharoor told the Prime Minister and Congress President that he did not wish to embarrass the government.

On the same day Sunanda Pushkar announced that she would be giving up her stake in the Kochi IPL team.

April 16:

Lalit Modi had started the accusations but the focus had turned to him. The Income Tax department began a probe into Modi’s finances.

April 26:

The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) waited for the passing of the IPL final (on April 25) to announce that Lalit Modi was being suspended from his role of Indian Premier League chief.

The BCCI asked Mr. Modi for a response to the allegation within 15 days. Once the BCCI had received a response they promised that they would determine if the suspensions should be dropped or, if necessary, what other course of action should take place.

May 16:

According to CNN, over the weekend Lalit Modi’s lawyer submited 9,000 pieces of documents to the BCCI in defense of Modi.

June 17

: Lalit Modi files defamation of character proceedings with the High Court against Giles Clarke (the chairman of the English and Wales Cricket Board). Modi refutes accusations by Clarke that he tried to set up a rebel Twenty20 competition in England.

Still developing

Since Modi’s appeal more accusations have come out, some implicate Modi and some implicate other IPL related officials. At this moment the BCCI has yet to hand down a decision in the case of Lalit Modi. Rumors have swirled that they will hold a special meeting to make an announcement that is expected to fire the suspended head of the IPL. However, the BCCI have denied that any sort of special meeting will take place.

The recent controversy in the IPL has many twists and turns. It is the hope that within the coming weeks there will be answers instead of more questions. Thos answers may be coming because the BCCI has convened a meeting with all 10 IPL franchise representatives on June 24 followed by the League's Governing Council meeting the next day. It is expected that the controversy surrounding Modi and his suspension are
to be the focus in these meetings. The meeting with the franchisees has been convened by the BCCI to allow them to get to know the new IPL interim chief Chirayu Amin.