PtG Article 31.10.2016

Mismanagement of state funding described as 'crucial reason' for Kenyan corruption allegation at Rio 2016

A report by the “Rio 2016 Probe Committee” claims a key issue concerning the Kenyan delegation’s stay in Rio de Janeiro was caused by over-reliance on state funding.

Results from an unpublished report created by the 2016 Rio Probe Committee, established by Sports Cabinet Secretary Dr. Hassan following the corruption allegations last month, shows that 90 percent of the Kenyan delegation’s budget of Sh600 million (£4.9 million) was provided by the Kenyan Sports Ministry. As a result of the amount of money the Ministry had given. The report claims, furthermore, that key officials within the Sports Ministry pushed for paid positions at the National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOCK).

On October 28, the report was delivered to Wario, who is expected to study its results before making the final report public. The main findings of the report have been confidential however, Paul Ochieng, chairman of the 2016 Rio Probe Committee, explained in an interview with Daily Nation that the report “answers many questions that have been out there in the public domain and goes on to shed light to various controversies surrounding Kenya’s preparation for and participation in the Rio Olympics”.

Wario chose to formally disband the NOCK last month due to the accusations surrounding the 2016 Kenyan Olympic delegation. All senior officials, except for the body’s chairman, Kipchoge Keino, were accused of irresponsible conduct concerning travelling and accommodation procedures.

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