PtG Article 31.10.2013

Play the Game 2013 draws to a close

After four days of vivid debates and in-depth discussions, Play the Game 2013 concludes its eighth world communication conference on sport and society in Aarhus, Denmark bringing new perspectives to the international sports debate.

348 participants from 38 countries and 6 continents participated in the 35 different sessions and workshops covering essential issues in sport such as match-fixing, doping, mega-events, participation, facilities, sports governance and journalism.

In his closing remarks, Jens Sejer Andersen invited more sports officials and federations to join the debate.

"It is of vital importance that there are people inside the sports system that are ready to argue for change. I kindly invite this minority to accept the external forces who blow the horns and make a lot of democratic noise. This is your only chance to bring sport a little bit further," he said.

"If there is anything there that can justify the kind of debates we have here, it is that sport, like all other sectors of society, needs open communication in order to improve and to protect its values," said Andersen in his speech.

He also called for better working conditions and protection for investigative journalists and whistle-blowers, and concluded by inviting participants to consider how to construct mechanisms and funds that can give support to those people.