PtG Article 31.10.2013

Play the Game 2013 FIFA session now on-demand

The third day of the Play the Game 2013 conference opened with a session about the FIFA reform process and key experts presented their evaluation of the reforming work. You can now watch or re-watch the presentations from the session.

The first speaker was Osasu Obayiuwana who oulined the state of governance in African football. He was followed by professor Roger Pielke who is one of the critics of the outcome of the FIFA reform process.

Professor Mark Pieth, head of the Independent Governance Committee in charge of the FIFA reform presented his experience of working on reforming the international football body.

The last man to take the stage was FIFA communications director Walter de Gregorio who told Play the Game participants about the governance systems in FIFA.

Watch the presentations here

Read a report from the session here

Watch other videos from Play the Game here