PtG Article 02.10.2013

Play the Game 2013: Join the debate on good governance

One of the hottest topics in international sport today is the need for good governance: How do global organisations achieve transparency and accountability?

Also at Play the Game 2013 international sports governance will be a main theme and as a delegate you get a chance to meet the experts on the field and get an insight on the most topical issues within sports governance.

The international football federation FIFA has recently concluded a two year-long reform process and Mark Pieth, who was in charge of the independent governance committee appointed to carry through this process, will share his evaluation. Has the FIFA reform process been a success?

Joining Pieth at the Helnan Marselis Hotel to discuss governance principles is a critic of the process, the American professor Roger Pielke Jr., who has elaborated an objective basis for assessing the outcome, an outcome, which he regards as inadequate.

The conference theme on good governance will run over two days from Wednesday 30 through Thursday 31st October and will feature a number of revelations from eyewitnesses and reporters about how some international sports organisations are run.

Find the sessions in the programme - download the programme hereSports Governance ObserverOn a more general level, the latest findings from the AGGIS project and the good governance-measuring tool ‘Sports Governance Observer’ will be presented.

After the conclusion of the EU project Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations (AGGIS), Play the Game has chosen to continue the elaboration of the tool, which has been designed to measure the degree of good governance in international sports organisations.

A long with researchers from six European universities and the European Journalism Centre, the AGGIS project has sought to define the concept of good governance and create a tool, which can be used by sports organisations themselves or by their stakeholders to discuss the governance standards of the organisation in question.

In short video and text interviews, the AGGIS partners have elaborated on the findings of the AGGIS project and provided further insight into different key aspects of good governance in international sports organisations.

Read more about the AGGIS project and the Sports Governance Observer, download the reports and watch the videos at

Read more about the conference at the conference website