PtG Article 15.11.2013

Play the Game 2013 presentations now available as podcast

Presentations from this year’s Play the Game conference, which took place on 28-31 October in Aarhus, Denmark, are now available as podcast on the conference website.

Play the Game 2013 saw presentations from 150 speakers from 31 different countries in 36 separate sessions over the four conference days. The expert speakers from various professions shared their knowledge and insight into essential issues in world sport such as anti-doping, match-fixing, investigative journalism, governance in sport and sports reforms, the challenges of mass participation and sports facilities, and the upcoming mega-events in Russia and Brazil. In total, 350 participants from 38 different countries took part and made this eighth edition of the Play the Game conference the biggest to date.   Presentations from all sessions are now available as podcasts, the only exceptions being the investigative journalism workshops. A number of presentations are also available as video-on-demand, and more videos will be continuously uploaded in the weeks to come. Find the videos here Subscribe to the Play the Game 2013 podcast hereOr find a specific session and listen to it here