PtG Article 18.11.2013

Sochi countdown – 12 weeks

In just 12 weeks, the opening ceremony for the Sochi Olympics will bid athletes and fans from all around the world welcome to the most expensive Olympic Games ever.

The run-up to the biggest sporting event this winter has not only offered sports related news, but also stories on corruption allegations, cost overruns, evictions, gay protests, and threats of boycotts.

On the blog ‘Window on Eurasia’, you can find a weekly overview of the latest stories from Russian and international media. On his blog ‘Window on Eurasia’, Paul Goble, professor at the Washington Institute of World Politics, provides an insight into the region’s societal and political issues and the meaning and impact of the planned Olympiad on the surrounding nations. Every Friday, he offers an overview of the past week’s media coverage on the upcoming event in his ‘Sochi countdown’. Last week’s countdown focused, among other things, on the Circassian issue. Minority people in the Circassia region where the Sochi Olympics will be held are protesting the event that will take place on the 150th anniversary of the Russian genocide on the Circassian people. Russian writers are now attacking the protesters, saying that the genocide never happened, writes Goble. Russian media reports that Russians visiting Sochi for more than three days will have to register with the police in an effort to avoid militants infiltrating the city. It might, however, also be used to remove people the Russian government find undesirable, Goble reports. Moreover, Goble lists reports of improper disposal of construction waste that has resulted in poisons leaching into the water supply which is now harming the health of people in the North Caucasus region.For much more news on Sochi, visit Paul Goble’s blog ‘Window of Eurasia – Sochi countdown’. Goble invites anyone with special knowledge or information about this subject to contribute with information. Find the latest updates here:Sochi countdown – 13 weeks to the Olympiad in the North CaucasusSochi countdown – 14 weeks to the Olympiad in the North CaucasusSochi countdown – 15 weeks to the Olympiad in the North CaucasusSochi countdown – 16 weeks to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus