PtG Article 17.06.2010

Somali Government condemns militant attacks on World cup watching

With Islamist militants in Somalia killing two world cup fans and arresting many others over the weekend, transitional federal government (TFG) of Somalia on Tuesday condemned the move describing it unacceptable.

In an emailed statement Tuesday, the Somali Ministry of Information condemns the restrictions imposed by the extremists on the Somali people who want to watch the Football World Cup.

“The Somali people, like everyone else in Africa, should be able to watch the tournament without fear of loss of life. The recent killings by Hisbul Islam highlight yet again their barbarism, brutality and intolerance of Somali culture and values” the information ministry said in the statement Tuesday.

The killing of Somalis for watching football is the latest in a long line of un-Somali and un-Islamic activities by the extremists.

On Saturday Somali militants killed two world cup fans and arrested ten others in Mogadishu’s Huruwaa neighborhood, while 31 other fans were arrested in the city of Afgoye about 30 kilometers south of the capital on Sunday when heavily armed militants stormed a house where they were secretly watching a world cup game between Germany and Australia.

Most recently, Al Shabab looted Somaliweyn radio located in Mogadishu in order to silence it. Other radios under Al Shabab control are constantly intimidated.

Two weeks ago, Shabelle radio & TV managed to move safely from Bakara market to the TFG-controlled area of the city. The Ministry of Information and the Media House in Mogadishu are preparing projects to assist journalists in their attempts to broadcast freely.