PtG Article 12.07.2010

Somali leader and FA boss jointly condemn terror attacks against World Cup fans in Uganda

The president of Somalia’s transitional federal government (TFG) Sheik Sharif sheik Ahmed on Monday vehemently condemned overnight’s twin blasts in the Ugandan capital Kambala which killed at least 64 world cup fans.

In an emailed press statement, the President sent heart-felt condolences to the victims’ families, the people and the government of Uganda.

“The fact that the victims were enjoying the World Cup final reveals the evil and ugly nature of the perpetrators and the need to uproot from region those who do not value the sanctity of the human life”, President Sharif said in his statement Monday.

President Sheik Sharif Sheikh Ahmed totally denounced in the strongest terms the terrorist acts that killed over sixty people in Kampala and injured many more.

“Football is peace and it is totally a reason for concern that football fans were targeted by the notorious terrorists” the Somali president said in his Monday’s press statement.

The President also denounced the fringe Al-Shabaab terrorist group’s rejoice of the carnage and stated that, “Somalia is sharing the grievance and mourns with the brotherly people of Uganda.”

 “This act of terrorism will only strengthen the strong bonds between the peoples of Somalia and Uganda. Neither the region nor the international community will tolerate the spread of insecurity,” the President concluded his remarks.

Meanwhile the president of Somali football federation Said Mahmoud Nur said in a statement that the entire Somali football family was shocked by the brutal attack on world cup fans.

“On behalf of Somali football, I really declare here that we share the condolence with Ugandan government and people,” the Somali FA boss said adding that his particular condolence and sympathy are due to the football association in Uganda.

No group has yet claimed the responsibility of last night’s terrorist attacks in Kambala which targeted a rugby club and Ethiopian-owned restaurant where football fans were watching the World Cup final between Spain and Holland.

Al-Shabaab militia commander Sheik Muqtar Robow Abu Mansur last week called on his followers to attack Ugandan and Burundian embassies around the world because of their involvement in Somalia.

Several times in the past the Al-Qaeda-linked Somali militants threatened to carry out explosions in Uganda, Kenya, Burundi and Ethiopia.