PtG Article 05.07.2010

Somali Soccer Referee’s association granted voting rights

Somali football referees will have voting rights in the future soccer elections in the country.

The Somali football federation (SFF) on Friday announced for the first time that the association of Somali football referees will have voting rights in the future soccer elections in the country. During a lengthy-meeting with the referees’ association in Mogadishu on Friday the president of Somali Football Federation (SFF) Mr. Said Mahmoud Nur said that the association is full member in the federation and because of that it will vote in SFF’s future elections.“Today I am very delightful to tell you that from the present moment the referees’ association will cast its vote in the upcoming election of Somali football federation, I know this has never happened before and it will be a historical matter in Somalia’s football history” President Said Mahmoud Nur added during the meeting.Football existed in Somalia a long time ago and it is mentionable to be said that the referees’ association had never voted in any past SFF elections and the announcement that the association will have voting rights comes as the Somali Football Federation election congress is approaching and due to be held in Mogadishu in few weeks time.The SFF president accompanied by his deputy Ali Said Guled and other dignitaries urged the country’s soccer referees to redouble their efforts to enhance their knowledge and physical power to be able to compete with their continental and international counterparts.“As you know you took a high level international refereeing course in Djibouti in March this year and it was the first time in history that such number of Somali referees attended FIFA level training abroad and here in front of you I tell with a loud voice that the SFF will do what ever it can to help you develop your skills” President Said Mahmoud Nur told the Somali soccer referees.He said that his federation requested the world football governing body FIFA to grant Somali referees another high level training course and that demand was fully accepted by FIFA.“There will be an international level cupper test and I hope that it will take place in Djibouti in September this year so you have to be fully prepared for the great examination, because we don’t want you to fail in front of the world” the president told the referees.“I urge you to be fully-involved in what is happening in the current world football match so that you can get more and more experience from what you see on the TV screens” he added.He encouraged the referees to make daily exercises saying “We see that a very few number of referees are doing trainings and that is unacceptable so you have to do the exercises regularly”.The president termed the referees as the “biggest pillar” on which Somali football is standing and that is why the SFF dignitaries are prioritizing the enhancement of the referees’ knowledge.