PtG Article 18.11.2013

TI calls for better governance in cricket

Cricket is one of the fastest growing sports in the world, but according to a new report from Transparency International, the international governing body of cricket, the International Cricket Council (ICC) must act now and strengthen the governance of the sport in order to keep up to speed with these developments.

"The history of cricket, much like the history of any sport that started local and ended up global, shows clearly how management structures have not kept pace with the growth in popularity and/or the professionalism that is now part of sport," it says in a report on governance in cricket, Fair Play – Strengthening integrity and transparency in cricket, released by Transparency International (TI) today.

Recent years’ incidents of match- and spot-fixing as well as corruption allegations in cricket have hit the sport hard, and according to TI, cricket risks losing its gained support unless action is taken now:

“Cricket has a proud tradition as a by-word for fair play. But there is a danger this will be lost if the key problems it faces today – from match-fixing and spot fixing to questionable finances in independent leagues – are not addressed,” says the report and stresses that dealing with match-fixing should not take focus from good governance principles.

"Indeed, while the strong focus on match-fixing is necessary, this should not divert attention from other fundamental problems, the most important of which is governance. Other risks include conflicts of interest, trading in influence and insider information, cronyism and nepotism."

In 2010, the ICC commissioned two reports into how the sport should deal with the incidents that had hit the sport and the reports held several recommendations for the ICC to follow, but according to TI there has been no follow up on these recommendations, and the anti-corruption organisation now calls for more transparency in terms of status reports and published minutes of board meetings and other committee meetings.

In the report, TI offers a seven-step action plan for the ICC to embark on in order to curb the challenges cricket is facing. The action plan includes the installment of government policies, a whistleblower protection plan, education, monitoring and reporting. Read the Transparency International’s report on cricket:

Fair Play – Strengthening integrity and transparency in cricket