PtG Article 08.04.2013

Video interviews with experts on good governance

In a series of video interviews, experts involved in the AGGIS project clarify the definition of basic elements in the framework of good governance in international sports organisations.

The short video and text interviews have been created within the scope of the EU project Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations (AGGIS) and expert partners in the project have been asked to take different key aspects on good governance and further elaborate on the way these aspects form part of good governance in sports organisations.

Jens Sejer Andersen, international director of Play the Game explains more about the AGGIS project in general and how the Sports Governance Observer tool can help international sports organisations take the temperature of the state of governance in their own organisation.

In the interview with Hans Bruyninckx from the University of Leuven he discusses the general concept of good governance and some of the challenges many international sports organisations are facing while the need for transparency and a change in the culture of secrecy is underlined by Frank van Eekeren from Utrecht University.

Biba Klomp from the European Journalism Centre argues that many sports organisations could do better when communicating with their stakeholders.

Democracy is another basic principle in good governance and in a text interview Jürgen Mittag from German Sport University Cologne looks at why the one-nation-one-vote decision-making system is preferred by many sports organisations.

Barrie Houlihan from Loughborough University explains the idea behind the term ‘accountability’ and how international sports organisations could improve and become more accountable.

One of the ways to hold organisations accountable is through monitoring and Simona Kustec Lipicer from the University of Ljubljana looks into how international sports organisations can be monitored, and explains some basics on organisational monitoring.

International sports federations have enjoyed many advantages being situated in neutral Switzerland and in his interview, Michael Mrkonjic from the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration discusses the connections between Switzerland and sports organisations.

See and read the interviews at