PtG Publication, January 2024

When the silence of sport was broken - Sports politics in the times of Play the Game

In 2022, Play the Game celebrated the 25th anniversary of the first conference in 1997, and this book marks that event.  The book is not a self-congratulatory portrait of Play the Game's own activities - instead it focuses on how international sports politics has developed from the late 1990s until today.

The aim of this book is to serve as an inspiration for diverse audiences. Those who have been around sports politics for as many years as Play the Game may be reminded of events they had forgotten or motivated to share the stories that we have left out. Newcomers will hopefully find a richness of information that helps explain why sports politics has become what it is today.

Keywords: Sports politics
Open publication
Publisher: Play the Game
Page Count: 337
ISBN: 978-87-94468-04-6 (pdf), 978-87-94468-05-3 (print)